Hello, welcome to UTAUnits!

This is a project to highlight the units that exist in the UTAU community!
Why? Because I think they're cute! They're more common in Japan, so I'd like to spread this love to the rest of the world ♡
If I can inspire someone to check out a group or even make their own, I would be so happy!

This Carrd contains all the important things I could think of. If I'm missing something, please feel free to contact me.Currently on indefinite hiatus.


I'll try to make videos with as many existing units as possible. I won't be creating new units. My goal is to post at least once a month.For this project, a unit is a named pairing of 2+ UTAUs from different voice providers/managers.
(ex. Cotori, Star Maiden -Astrea-, ChocoMint MilkTea)
Sometimes I refer to them as groups, but it's the same idea.
In each cover's description, I plan to include the following:

  • Earliest cover + link + credit to the uploader (I assume the person with the oldest cover is the unit's creator unless it’s explicitly stated)

  • Any lore I could find

  • UTAUs' names and their creators


Although it's a one-person show, I have some rules for the audience (英語のみ、すみません):

  • You can suggest existing units! However, I have the right to decline any request. I already have a long list of units I'd like to feature...

  • If I provide incorrect information, please correct me!

  • If you are the unit's creator or the creator of one of the UTAUs in it, you can message me to request the video's removal. Ownership gets messy with units, so it would be ideal if you discuss it beforehand with the other creators involved!

  • Feel free to ask questions, publicly or privately! If you prefer anonymity, use Tumblr's anon ask feature.


This project isn't about me, it’s about the UTAUs! But if you want some basic info:

  • She/her

  • 日本語が少しだけわかりますが、やりとりできるように頑張ります

  • Communication is hard for me. Please be patient

  • I've never done a project of this scale before, but I'm trying my best

  • I like K-pop and J-pop. I mostly listen to girl groups!